【インターン日記】日本の企業をよりよい方向へと導く DE&Iの専門家として切り開く新たな道

株式会社クオリアでは不定期にインターンの受け入れを実施しています。2024年7月から1カ月間インターン生として受け入れたのは、アメリカ合衆国出身の大学3年生、Richard Kazuyoshi Ferris(リチャード・和良・フェリス)さんです。2年前に海外からのリモートインターンとしてクオリアで働き、クロスロードダイバーシティカードの英語版作成に関わっていただきました。その際にDE&I(ダイバーシティ・エクイティ&インクルージョン;以下DE&I)やアンコンシャス・バイアスという言葉に出会い、強い関心を持つようになり、今回は来日してのインターンを行うことになりました。
最終回は株式会社カレイディスト 代表取締役 兼 CEOの塚原 月子さん のインタビュー内容を掲載いたします。
Qualia Inc. has been accepting interns, and this time we welcomed Richard Kazu Ferris, a third-year university student from the United States, for a one-month internship starting in July 2024. Kazu san had previously participated in a short-term remote internship at Qualia and expressed interest in DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and unconscious bias. Based on this interest, he decided to join us for a month-long in-office internship.
In addition to various tasks, we asked Kazu san to interview individuals who are actively working to realize DEI. We will be serializing these interviews as "Intern Diaries" in a total of six installments.
In the final installment of our series, we will feature an interview with Tsukiko Tsukahara, Founder and President of Kaleidist K.K..
塚原 月子(つかはら つきこ)様プロフィール

30% Club Japanに立ち上げより関わり、現在アドバイザリーボードメンバーの一人。
当初はD&I(DE&I)を専門としておらず、ヘルスケア分野に特化し、製薬会社や病院への経営コンサルティング を中心に活動されていたとのこと。そして、DE&Iという概念との出会いは、当時の職場でワークライフバランスやワークスタイルイノベーションに関するプロジェクトに携わった時で、そこからDE&Iの分野に深く関わるようになったそうです。
Her current job and career
Her current work is running a consulting company that specializes in the diversity, equity, and inclusion area.
She started her career at the Ministry of Transportation, which is part of the Japanese government. After 9 years, she transferred, and moved to the Boston Consulting Group in a Tokyo office. There, she learned how to do consulting work.
She did not specialize in diversity and inclusion at the time. She majored in healthcare, for pharmaceutical companies, or for managerial advice in hospitals, and so on.
During the latter part of her career at the Boston Consulting Group, she had the chance to do some work-life balance, or work-style innovation type work, which brought her to the diversity, equity, and inclusion area.
After 12 years at the Boston Consulting Group, she left the company and started to work for Catalyst. Catalyst is a nonprofit organization; a global organization, located in Manhattan, New York. The organization was established in 1964.
The organization does women empowerment and diversity inclusion research, and provides support or advisory services to their member or supporter companies globally. She became the Vice President of Catalyst Japan and worked for them for 3 years.

さらに、塚原さんは自身の会社の経営に加え、プロボノ活動にも積極的に参加されています。その一つが吉田晴乃記念実行委員会(HYMEC)であり、もう一つはG20 EMPOWERです。G20 EMPOWERは、G20諸国間のグローバルなアライアンスで、意思決定レベルでの女性の活躍を推進するためにビジネスリーダーと政府関係者のネットワークを構築しています。塚原さんは、アキレス美知子さんと共にG20 EMPOWERの日本民間代表者の一人として活動されています。
Accelerating DEI in Japanese Companies: Taking the Next Step
Establishing her own company, Kaleidist K.K.. She thought that it might be more interesting to work for Japanese companies, because they need much more diversity and inclusion than other global companies. Catalyst supporters or members are almost all global and large nationals, so she wanted to serve for a Japanese company.
Her company’s work mainly consists of consulting and advising for companies. Similar to Qualia Inc., her company does trainings and lectures, and researches, as well.
Besides her business at her company, She also does some pro bono work. HYMEC is one, and G20 EMPOWER, a global alliance of G20 countries to create the network and alliance between business leaders and government officials to develop and empower women towards decision making levels, is another. She is one of the private sector representatives of G20 EMPOWER in Japan together, with Michiko Achilles.
Creating Inclusive Workplaces: A DEI Expert's Perspective on Japan
I asked her about some current issues surrounding DEI in Japan. She believes that, when it comes to the top managements of large corporations, many of them are clearly aware of the necessity of diversity, equity, and inclusion, because there is a law for women empowerment in Japan.
These large corporations, which have more than 301 employees, need to develop the action plan for women empowerment and need to disclose their statistics as well. The management of smaller companies, however, as they are not required by the law to know this, might not be as aware. In bigger cities, where large companies are gathered, such as Tokyo and Osaka, She believes more people would be aware of the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion, but she believes that the more local and rural areas may not be as aware of these concepts.
She explained that there are several issues surrounding DEI in Japan; one problem being the low level of gender equality in Japan, and how that is really problematic. She brought up a chart showing statistics of the Japan global competitiveness ranking in terms of gender equality level published by IMD in Switzerland, and how it showed that Japan was ranked as number one back in 1989, but it has since fallen to rank 38th, as of 2024. On the same chart, it also showed that in terms of business effectiveness, Japan ranked 51st out of 67 countries. She explained that in Japan, women in management and on a board are very low, and that is the reason Japan’s competitiveness ranking is so low.
DE&Iに関する問題解決に向けた個人の行動について伺ったところ、塚原さんは選挙に行くことの重要性を強調されました。現在、日本の国会の女性議員は15.7%と非常に低い割合です。また、アンコンシャス・バイアス(無意識の偏見)を理解する必要性についても触れ、これは日本だけでなく世界的な問題であると指摘されました。 アンコンシャス・バイアスは誰にでも起こり得るものであり、完全に排除することは難しいですが、その存在を理解し、意識的に行動することが重要だとお話しされました。
The Impact of Individual Actions on Society
We talked about Individual actions one could take to help with issues surrounding DEI. She believes that everyone needs to go to the election. Currently, the national diet is 15.7% female, which is very low.
She also explained that individuals also need to understand unconscious bias. One of the background reasons of gender inequality, not only in Japan, but globally, is due to unconscious bias’s influence. We cannot stop unconscious bias, as it is very natural to have, as a human, but we can stop negative impacts or negative influences of unconscious biases by understanding them. So, try to take action to combat unconscious bias and behave as an inclusive leader.
One other thing she thinks an action could do to help is to have one with a leader or authority with decision making rights or power to understand equity to be able to change the gender gap.
She believes that our issues cannot improve solely through individual actions, but that we need to tackle organizations and systematic actions as well, such as the public sector and organizational top managements. They would need to change their systems or management practices, as she mentioned earlier.
そして、何よりも、私は塚原さんの行動力に何度も驚かされました。G20 EMPOWERでメンバーとして積極的に活動するだけでなく、G20 EMPOWERの日本民間代表者の1人でもあり、且つご自身の会社を経営するにとどまらず、DE&Iの分野でさらに多くのことを成し遂げようとしていることに尊敬の念を抱きました。
My Thoughts
In the United States, I believe that it is not very uncommon for people to decide to work outside of the United States, and workers in the U.S. are also quite used to people immigrating to the U.S. to work.
In Japan, however, it is much more uncommon for Japanese residents to work abroad.
When living abroad, there are numerous hurdles that are difficult to overcome. There is the language barrier, of course, but there are also numerous unspoken rules that you must learn and adapt to.
When I came to Japan for the purpose of this internship, there were many unspoken rules I also had to adapt to. Things like not holding up the line during a lunch rush at the convenience store or knowing that most restaurants open at 17:00 for dinner, even though their doors are unlocked and the lights are on.
I think that Tsukahara san being willing to go abroad and adapt to all of this shows just how ambitious and dedicated she is.
I am always surprised by just how proactive she is, as she is not just an advocate, who already voices concerns and must participate heavily in G20 EMPOWER, but she is one of two representatives of G20 EMPOWER in Japan. This was a big surprise to me, as she is already the founder of her own company, and she is still seeking to do even more in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion space.
We talked about DEI concepts taught in schools in Japan vs. in the United States. She sometimes gives lectures to University, High School, and Junior High School students regarding diversity and inclusion topics, and many of them are already educated about diversity and inclusion.
She asked me if I was educated on this topic in school, in America. I responded saying that there were occasionally some talks about D&I, through a video they would show at a school assembly or a speaker they would get to talk about it at an assembly, but other than that, I was not very educated on the topic in school. Of course, this could differ from school to school and is not representative of all American schools.
She also asked me how I came to be interested in this topic. I mentioned that my mother is Japanese, and that since I was very young, she would talk to me about how it was for her when she was working here in Japan, and how she wished it was better for women, and that she hopes it gets better. That stuck with me and I have thought about it a lot. It made me want to do something to help, or at least learn more about it.