
株式会社クオリアでは不定期にインターンの受け入れを実施しています。2024年7月から1カ月間インターン生として受け入れたのは、アメリカ合衆国出身の大学3年生、Richard Kazuyoshi Ferris(リチャード・和良・フェリス)さんです。2年前に海外からのリモートインターンとしてクオリアで働き、クロスロードダイバーシティカードの英語版作成に関わっていただきました。その際にDE&I(ダイバーシティ・エクイティ&インクルージョン;以下DE&I)やアンコンシャス・バイアスという言葉に出会い、強い関心を持つようになり、今回は来日してのインターンを行うことになりました。
第1回目は一般財団法人 海外産業人材育成協会(AOTS)竹内祐輔さんとのインタビュー内容を掲載いたします。
Qualia Inc. has been accepting interns, and this time we welcomed Richard Kazu Ferris, a third-year university student from the United States, for a one-month internship starting in July 2024. Kazu san had previously participated in a short-term remote internship at Qualia and expressed interest in DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and unconscious bias. Based on this interest, he decided to join us for a month-long in-office internship.
In addition to various tasks, we asked Kazu san to interview individuals who are actively working to realize DEI. We will be serializing these interviews as "Intern Diaries" in a total of six installments.
竹内 祐輔(たけうち ゆうすけ)様プロフィール

一般財団法人 海外産業人材育成協会(AOTS)
関西研修センター 研修実施グループ 主任
一般財団法人 海外産業人材育成協会(AOTS)

From Campus to Global Stage: A Journey to AOTS
First of all, I asked him how he came across his current job.
He graduated in 1998, and at that time, he wanted to work abroad, immediately, without any sort of waiting period. He got job offers from some private companies, but decided to take a position at the Japanese embassy in Ottawa, Canada.
For 2 years, he did this part-time job at the Japanese embassy in Canada. He did logistical work.
He then came to know some people from the Ministries of Economy, Agriculture, etc., and talked with them and came to know about AOTS’s existence. He became very interested in this company. He decided to look into AOTS some more, and eventually decided to take the job there. It has been around 24 years since he has joined, as he joined in 2000.
Wanting to work abroad immediately after graduation, especially in Japan, I think is quite rare. I think that most people might study abroad while they are attending university, as the university could help them out. I would also assume that most people would want to work a safe job in their country at the beginning of their career. I, myself, would struggle to set up the necessary preparations to make something like this happen. This desire to immediately work abroad, to me, greatly shows Takeuchi san’s determination and is very inspiring.
日本ではこれまで長期雇用という考え方が浸透していましたが、最近の日本の若い世代では、多くの人が短い期間に仕事を変えるようになっていると聞きました。 日本で研修を受ける研修生の方たちは自国に帰ってからも同じ会社で長く働いてもらいたいという想いを受入会社はもっています。
More Than Just Making: Exploring AOTS' Holistic Approach to Education
Next, I asked about the programs offered by AOTS.
In this program*, the idea is that the other countries send workers here to develop them, and raise the person as a leader in Japan, and then they will go back to their country.
The idea of long-term employment is very prevalent and expected in Japan, but more recently, in younger generations, younger than me, many are starting to change jobs more frequently. Companies that acccept the workers expected to work long term when they go back to their countries.
*AOTS offers various educational opportunities for a wide range of people and through different methods.
Today, as the first installment, we will share the content of his interview with Mr. Yusuke Takeuchi of the Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Training (AOTS)
But the companies that are using this program at AOTS are expecting long-term commitment from the workers because this program is very expensive. The Japanese government gives a subsidy of about 50%, or half, of the total cost, so it is still expensive. This means that it is an investment for them and that they are expecting the engineers to go to Japan, get taught important techniques and know-hows for manufacturing, and then go back to their country and work for the company for a long time.
Further to his story, I heard that there is also a training program here that teaches how to live smoothly or safely in Japan. There are social rules that are important to know to live in Japan, and so the program teaches those taking it how to behave, or how to get through a typical day in Japan, by teaching them things such as how to sort garbage, etc.
The intention is not to force them to like Japan, but more to teach them the basic rules to know in Japan, so they can live comfortably and safely.
He helps run these programs, and helps with communicating with the companies and trainees, and with communicating with the governments to develop the most appropriate training programs for the participants.
Takeuchi san’s Passion: Cultivating Global Talent at AOTS
Next, I asked about the people who participate in this program each year during the year.
Over the course of a typical year, he thinks that the Kansai Center receives around 100 people. However, that number is decreasing. There used to be 4 centers, but now it is down to 2: the Kansai Center and the headquarters in Tokyo. The Yokohama and Toyota City centers were closed down, so the two current centers would have about 2,500 people per year. Since 1959, the center has trained more than 200,000 people.
I also asked which countries are most likely to participate.
The countries that the center currently receives the most people from are developing countries, the top countries being Vietnam and Thailand. They come to AOTS to learn more advanced skills such as computer designing, and development.
If one wanted to be taught at AOTS, they would, in most cases, have to be a university graduate and would have to not have been a part of any military services. For the language spoken, AOTS teaches basic Japanese from over 6 weeks to 13 weekes, so it does not matter the language that those who go to AOTS speak. The Japanese taught would be very basic, but it would allow them to survive in Japan. For example, it would allow them to go shopping and do things like that.
He wants those who come to use the programs at AOTS to be able to learn technological, management, and technical skills that they can bring home with them.
DEI and the Working Environment for Foreign Workers: Insights from Mr. Takeuchi
I asked him what he thought about DE&I in Japan.
He explained that, when it comes to DEI issues in Japan, until very recently, Japan has been a very masculine-focused society. However, due to a lack of manpower, Japan cannot rely on only men to be able to sustain the current society. Japan needs the help of females, foreigners, physically and mentally disabled people, and all other sorts of people, he said.
Japan used to be very reluctant to accept other peoples’ ways of thinking. It is still at a small level, but he believes that Japan’s way of thinking is slowly changing to be more accepting of other peoples’ opinions.
Then, I heard about the challenges faced by foreign workers in Japan's efforts to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. He mentioned that if you were to go to a small factory in a small town, you will find many foreigners working there. Over 2 million foreigners are working in factories in Japan.
AOTS's Commitment to DEI: Insights from Mr. Takeuchi
Following that, we explored the issues surrounding women's employment and men's participation in AOTS.
He explained that, when it comes to female working conditions and male childcare leave, AOTS is better than many companies. There are many female managers and some female directors, but there is no female president, yet. The employees working at AOTS are about half male and half female, or maybe slightly leaning towards more females than males.
If a female were to have a child, it would be very easy for them to take maternity leave. It is harder for males to take leave when they have a child, but it is easier at AOTS, he explained. He, himself, took 6 months off about 10 years ago.
I was surprised to learn, after looking into it, that the United States seems to be behind Japan when it comes to paid paternity leave. According to zippia.com, Japan ranks #1 when it comes to offering paid paternity leave with an average of 30 weeks of paid leave. This is compared to the United States who seems to have an average below 1 week of paid leave and less than 1% pay rate. It is uncommon for fathers to take paternity leave in the U.S., but I had assumed that the times were slowly changing in regards to this, alongside Japan.
Diversity, equity and Inclusion are concepts that many people are aware of, but less people are aware of the concept of Equity, he explained. He, himself, learned about it through Arakane san, the President of Qualia Inc., and is still constantly learning more about Equity and Unconsicous Bias. He tries to be sensitive when talking to others, keeping Unconscious Bias in mind, and when the Unconscious Bias does come out, he reviews what was said and keeps it in mind for the future.
He believes he is very lucky to be able to be in an environment where he can learn about DEI.We would like to support Mr. Takeuchi as he continues his learning and continues his activities to make a better society.
I found my interview with Takeuchi san to be very relaxing and enjoyable, as Takeuchi san would effortlessly bounce off my questions and speak in great depth on the simple questions I would ask. He is very knowledgeable about his area of work, and I learned a lot about this side of business from him. I greatly enjoyed this experience, and hope that I was able to word his answers in a way that conveyed his vast expertise and insights in a way that is as interesting to read as it was for me to be there listening to him in person.