
株式会社クオリアでは不定期にインターンの受け入れを実施しています。2024年7月から1カ月間インターン生として受け入れたのは、アメリカ合衆国出身の大学生3年生、Richard Kazuyoshi Ferris(リチャード・和良・フェリス)さんです。2年前に海外からのリモートインターンとしてクオリアで働き、クロスロードダイバーシティカードの英語版作成に関わっていただきました。その際にDE&I(ダイバーシティ・エクイティ&インクルージョン;以下DE&I)やアンコンシャス・バイアスという言葉に出会い、強い関心を持つようになり、今回は来日してのインターンを行うことになりました。
第3回目株式会社グローバルダイナミクス 山中 俊之様のインタビュー内容を掲載いたします。
Qualia Inc. has been accepting interns, and this time we welcomed Richard Kazu Ferris, a third-year university student from the United States, for a one-month internship starting in July 2024. Kazu san had previously participated in a short-term remote internship at Qualia and expressed interest in DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and unconscious bias. Based on this interest, he decided to join us for a month-long in-office internship.
In addition to various tasks, we asked Kazu san to interview individuals who are actively working to realize DEI. We will be serializing these interviews as "Intern Diaries" in a total of six installments.
In the third installment of our series, we will feature an interview with Mr, Toshiyuki Yamanaka of the Global Dynamics Co.Ltd.
山中 俊之(やまなか としゆき)様プロフィール

Nurturing Global Leaders: His Journey Through Overseas Careers
He oversees and is involved in many different areas. First of all, he runs his own company, which he started 14 years ago with his wife. It is a small company for developing global leaders.
He also teaches at two universities, Professional College of Arts and Tourism, which is situated in the northern part of the Hyogo prefecture, and at the Kobe Institute of Computing. At Professional College of Arts and Tourism, he teaches global issues and leadership, and at the Kobe Institute of Computing, he teaches leadership and social innovation.
18 years ago, he had first worked as a consultant for a consulting company for about 10 years. He mentioned that he had wonderful experiences there, working for around 100 organizations, including municipalities, governments, and other companies. After these 10 years, he wanted to expand his career. He enjoyed working at that company, but he wanted to expand to global businesses and focus more on training. The company he was working for was more domestically oriented, so he decided to become self-employed.
His company provides many services, but the main ones would be training and consulting. He explained that, firstly, this would involve discussing global issues, like the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Artificial Intelligence, what the biggest companies in the world are doing, and so on. Secondly, it involves discussing history, religion, arts, and philosophy and discussing the future based on these aspects to have broader viewpoints to understand the world and what the future may hold better. Thirdly, his company helps others understand how to make businesses, and fourth, which is the part he mentioned that he would like to focus more on, is climate change, biodiversity, and recycling.
These training programs that Global Dynamics provides have seen a steady increase in non-Japanese participants over the past 1 or 2 years, and he mentioned he would like to further increase the percentage of non-Japanese participants.
Shining a Light on Global Issues Through Writing
He has written several books; over 10 books, in fact. One is about ethnic groups and religions in the world, another that he mentioned he published about 3 or 4 months ago is about arts in the world, and one that he is going to publish in around 10 days, is about political parties in the world. All of the books he has written always have the main focus of global issues, but from different perspectives, such as religion, arts and politics. The next book he is planning to write will be about diversity and history.
What made you decide to start writing books?
When he worked for the consulting company 18 years ago, he was an HR consultant and accumulated many different kinds of experiences, and decided to write about them, he explained. After writing about them, he sent the draft to a publishing company, which accepted his draft. After this, he switched from the HR area to global issues, so his books became mainly about global issues.
He explained how writing these books helps him understand the issues he talks about much more deeply, and he hopes that many other people who read his books can understand his points and opinions in a deep and effective way.
Exploring DEI in Japan: Diverse Perspectives and Future Endeavors
I asked about how yamanaka sensei thinks of DEI in Japan.
He believes that, when it comes to DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) in Japan, it is very bad, even less developed than not only the other G7 countries, but also among Asian and even Middle Eastern countries. Compared to the high economic prosperity that Japan has, the DEI awareness is quite low, he explained. He told me about the current situation of DEI in Japan, specifically focusing on the work environment and ethnic diversity.
①Working conditions in Japan
Japanese people tend to work too much, he explained. The situation is changing, as work-life balance is higher valued these days compared to 10 or 20 years ago, but some people still consider that if you are employed full-time, that you should do what you are told to do, even if that means working overtime or on weekends. There is also the “Nomikai” culture where you are expected to occasionally go out with your coworkers to dinner and to drink after work, but this is starting to become less common. At these Nomikais, it was typically male-only, or mostly male co-workers that went out together.
Before coming to Japan, I was aware of the drinking culture that mixed with the working culture here through some anime that I had watched, but was surprised to hear that events such as “nomikais” were becoming less common. I was wondering how the younger generations may have felt about all these workplace practices, but it seems like they are slowly changing these aspects of work culture.
②Ethnicity issues in Japan
He explained that diversity, however, is not only gender quality. What may be worse in Japan is related to ethnicity. He explained that the Ainu people in the northern part of Japan, in Hokkaido, have been discriminated against for many years. They were even forced to learn Japanese, to abandon their own cultural events and customs, and to attend Japanese school. Several years ago, however, the Japanese government officially considered the Ainu people as an indigenous people who should be protected. The central government also built the Ainu Cultural National Museum, and Yoshihide Suga, the former Prime Minister, attended the inauguration.
Finally, I asked about Yamanaka sensei's actions to promote DEI in Japan.
As a facilitator and a consultant, he explained that he likes to help people understand, mutually. There are many foreigners, from America or Europe, that work at Japanese companies, that ask him to facilitate discussions on mutual understanding and cross-cultural understanding, he explained. This is because, while he is Japanese, he would know more about other countries’ cultures than the average Japanese person.
He said he still lacks knowledge on these subjects, but he has been to 97 countries and has lived in 3 countries, and continues to visit many more countries. So, he would like to contribute to this mutual understanding.

My Thoughts
I enjoyed talking to Yamanaka sensei very much.
When I heard how many books Yamanaka sensei wrote, and that he was still writing more, currently, I was extremely surprised. While at university, I am often writing papers, and I get quite bored of it fairly quickly, but books are the equivalent to writing papers that are 100 times longer, or sometimes more, than the typical papers that I am writing. To be able to do this while doing all of the other work that Yamanaka sensei is involved in must be extremely difficult, and I was extremely impressed by all of this.
I was blown away by how much he had accomplished in his life, and that he is still constantly doing impactful things even now. He was very humble, and would only talk about his many accomplishments, such as writing over 10 books, if I brought them up or asked more about them. I am honored that he took the time out of his busy schedule to be interviewed by me, and I appreciate it very much. I am looking forward to seeing his newest book hit the shelves and am looking forward to seeing what many things he accomplishes in the future.